Gene Cartwright
Published Author, Screenwriter, Former Oprah Show guest author, Marine, Inventor, iFOGO founder, and former engineer.
Regarding ‘A FamilyGathering’: I have not been so moved by a book since I read Alex's [Haley] book. When the film is made, I'm laying claim to the role of Aunt Rose.” - CICELY TYSON
— A Tony-Award winner, Emmy-Award winner, Oscar-nominated actress, and cinema icon.
(All rights available)
Gene places his photo here with some hesitancy. Let’s be honest. It is an undeniable fact that many will see it, and make instant assumptions and conclusions regarding him and his work, without reading and based solely upon his skin color. This is a fact all people of color face. Still, we cannot let it be a stumbling block. - Read this Article.
Listen to the audio below.

“A Book Tour Interview?
A Look Back!
(Dallas, Texas INTERVIEW

a native of Texas. He often says it was his great fortune to be born at the right address— the home of his parents. Gene insists his love of writing and learning was sparked by his mother, who taught him to read when he was barely four. His father taught him, by his daily life examples, how to apply what he learned.
Gene was fascinated,
captured by the freedom reading afforded. What was more, he read and was inspired to put his own words to paper. He has always enjoyed both technical and literary pursuits. He wrote his first novel at 12. (90 pages longhand.) Also, at age 12, he was working with a local electrician actually wiring new homes and retrofitting older homes. Gene graduated high school and headed immediately to college at Prairie View A&M.
Four years later,
and for almost 8 years thereafter, during what he now refers to as another life, Gene was an electrical engineer, designing lighting and power distribution systems. He next founded and owned a very successful consumer electronics company in Houston, Texas.
A few years later,
he saddled up and headed west. While he doesn't mind talking about working as an environmental engineer with the Air Quality Management District in California, he does not reveal much about his debut at the Improv as a guitarist and singer.
Throughout his engineering pursuits
and business activities, Gene continued to write and dream of being a published and a full-time author. In 1996, that dream was realized. Gene has written 9 novels. a book of poetry, short stories, and several screenplays. For two years, his book tour for 'I Never Played Catch With My Father,' took him from coast to coast:
He has appeared on numerous television
and radio programs, including Oprah, NPR stations and countless TV morning shows, news and sports shows. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper and magazine articles.
A Baseball First:
Gene was the first novelist ever interviewed on KNBR, The San Francisco Giants' flagship radio station. In 1997 he was interviewed for 30 minutes, in evening drive-time, about his novel, I Never Played Catch With My Father. A 20th year Anniversary edition of the novel has been released.
Presently, Gene is completing two new works: ‘The Drammen Code’, a spy thriller and ‘The Value of Small Things’, a non-fiction work.
Gene's greatest childhood thrill was his very first little league baseball game. And his pet peeve? Something he labels sacrilegious: the use of the aluminum baseball bats.
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Publicist: Nancy Eddy - Novato, California 415-883-0174
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