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A Family Gathering

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On a sweltering May 15, 1974, the twelve year-old daughter of a rural baptist preacher
walked home from school, along a pine tree-lined, unpaved, Arkansas country road.
Before she could arrive home, her first life ended. Then…

“I Weep No More.”
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Past Pulitzer-nominee.
Cicely Tyson, Tony-Award winner, Emmy-Award winner,
Oscar-nominated actress
"I have not been so moved by a novel,
since first reading Alex's [Haley] book.

A Family Gathering -
by Gene Cartwright.

It was 1974, the South. She was 12; he was 16. She was black, the daughter of a poor Baptist minister; he was white, the son of immense wealth and privilege.

What happened on a hot day in May changed her life forever. His was unaffected, until the passing of 14 years of her exile, a vicious murder, a callous display of arrogance and power, an unexpected visitor, and 'A Family Gathering.’

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179 reviews

Regular price: $39.95 $16.00

Condition: Brand New, shrink-wrapped- Autographed upon request
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Product details
512 pages

Publisher: Falcon Creek Publishing Co. -
June 15, 2006
RePublished 2015
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0964975629 -
ISBN-13: 978-0964975620
$ 39.95
$ 16.00

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