Falcon Creek Books

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This Book Autographed By The Author
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Harvesting Our Days
Harvesting Our Days

is an invitation to take a life affirming journey through every one of your days, and to discover hidden or overlooked treasures right before your eyes. Our days come. Our days go. Unless something significantly different happens, one day may be virtually indistinguishable from the ones before and after it.

Do you often feel that way? And if so, do you long to find more meaning in your days? If so, I invite you to come on a journey and discover how one seeker uncovered one treasure after another in her ordinary days—hidden treasure just waiting to be harvested. Come along and you may find that uncovering your treasure is as easy as quieting the discordant voices around you long enough to hear to hear God’s voice within you.

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Product Details
  • Paperback: 178 pages
  • Publisher: Falcon Creek Books
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1511857900
  • ISBN-13: 978-1511857901
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches
$ 14.95


The germ of this book started to bud in the middle of a traffic jam. It was the first day of a new work week and the first day of the last month of the year. I had been obsessed with getting to work on time, but when all hope of that was gone, I tuned in to a Christian radio program and prayed, O Lord, let there be something here for me. I then relaxed and accepted the direction the Spirit offered. That direction took me on a 25-day journey of discovery as I entered a season of listening, hearing the voice of the Spirit, and harvesting the wonderful treasures He revealed through events and experiences along the way.

My only qualification for writing this book is my journey with Jesus, the Good Shepherd who daily calls to His sheep to follow Him. Over a series of mostly ordinary days, He taught me to open my eyes and ears, and develop a sensitivity to His voice, to recognize the divine in everyday ways. As the days unfolded, I listened and began to develop a more intimate acquaintance with the Shepherd of Psalm 23. I, like David, found Him to be the Shepherd who
makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. He is the Shepherd who comforts and restores my soul. He reveals my condition through His Word and leads me in paths of righteousness. He is the Shepherd who graciously prepares a table before me.

During my journey, I realized I had often been blind to God’s presence—too focused on the material world to hear His “still small voice.” But one day I was arrested by a traffic jam and blessed by God’s answer to a simple prayer. As I journey on, I continue to glean from those 25 days even as I gain new insights from the Word of God. They have served as reminders when I’ve gotten off track and refreshment when I’ve felt overwhelmed or simply needed a word of encouragement.

While the insights addressed specific needs and areas of my life, they are universal in their application. You may not have experienced the kind of barrenness I describe in Day 23, but perhaps you’ve experienced it in another way. The principle may be applied to virtually any kind of barrenness. Our lives may be quite different in many respects; nevertheless we are connected. We share similar concerns. We have similar needs. The same spiritual food that nourishes my soul will nourish your soul.

So I invite you to come along with me on my journey. As you read these personal meditations, search the Scriptures and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help you apply the principles of God’s Word to your life. May you hear His voice during your daily departures and arrivals…and your waiting times. For in the midst of them, treasures await you. I pray you will recognize them and, in so doing, harvest your days to the full.

— Carrie Cartwright

Table of Contents

A Poem“It Ain’t About Feeling Like It.”     Page 11

Day 1An Idea     Page 21

Day 2Remembering     Page 27

Day 3FriendsPage 33

Day 4HearingPage 39

Day 5ComfortPage 45

Day 6An InheritancePage 51

Day 7A MysteryPage 57

Day 8Discipline and Order     Page 63

Day 9A New Day     Page 69

Day 10Effective Prayer     Page 75

Day 11Self-Reflection     Page 81

Day 12A Choice     Page 87

Day 13Delays, Delays, Delays     Page 93

Day 14Godly Perception     Page 99

Day 15An Enduring Promise     Page 105

Day 16The Power of Light     Page 111

Day 17Commitment     Page 117

Day 18Silence     Page 123

Day 19Love     Page 129

Day 20A Time for Dreams     Page 135

Day 21Freedom     Page 141

Day 22Letting Go of Regrets     Page 147

Day 23Abundance     Page 153

Day 24The Company of a Friend     Page 159

Day 25A Continual Feast     Page 167

About The Author     Page 175