Featured Title(s):
'Harvesting Our Days' is an invitation to take a life affirming journey through every one of your days, and to discover hidden or overlooked treasures right before your eyes. Our days come. Our days go. Unless something significantly different happens, one day may be virtually indistinguishable from the ones before and after it. Do you often feel that way? And if so, do you long to find more meaning in your days? If so, I invite you to come on a journey and discover how one seeker uncovered one treasure after another in her ordinary days—hidden treasure just waiting to be harvested. Come along and you may find that uncovering your treasure is as easy as quieting the discordant voices around you long enough to hear to hear God’s voice within you.
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Author's Web Site: CarrieCartwright.FalconCreekBooks.com
A Family Gathering | Pulitzer Prize Fiction Nominee
“Where Was God On May 15, 1974?”
512 pages, Hardcover,
Falcon Creek Publishing Co.
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It was 1974—the South. She was 12; he was 16. She was black, the daughter of a poor Baptist minister;
He was white, the son of privilege. What happened on a hot day in May changed her life forever. His was unaffected, until the passing of 14 years of exile, a vicious murder, a callous display of arrogance and power, an unexpected visitor, and ‘A Family Gathering.’
May 15, 1974 was the last day of her first life. In 1974, in rural Reedville, Arkansas, Deborah Yvonne Davis was a precocious 12 year old, black schoolgirl in love with life. Loving memories of Gram d ‘lena, her late, paternal grandmother, guided her.
Then, during a walk home, on a sweltering Arkansas day, her world changed forever.
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I Never Played Catch With My Father
“When Fame, Power, and Money Are Not Enough”
384 p. Hardcover: ISBN 0-9649756-0-2
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A Texas-born, billionaire baby-boomer’s life-long love of baseball shapes his adulthood. However, his enormous success fails to erase memories of a childhood missing a ‘heart and soul’ relationship with a father now near death. In an effort to finally close the “broken circle,” he leaves New York and catches “the last train home.”
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